It's been a while, sorry for the delay!
I'm sure my 7 blog followers we're concerned for my well being ! First off, let me thank all of you for your thoughts, prayers, cards, gift baskets,flowers, limericks, Pepto-Bismal, paintings, and poems! I felt it, trust me! A hard-drive crash is as serious as it gets!! But alas, I am back up and running in the shaack, and have a brand new hard- drive to boot! ( get it) -Maybe if you we're a level 8 dungeon master you'd get it?? OK OK OK
It was a brutal week of work for sure. lets start there. I cut down 8 trees and had the pleasure of operating my first wood chipper-( you know that thing from the movie Fargo) The machine that he throws the body into to cut it up? Well this thing was about 3 sizes bigger than that one, you could throw a car into this thing, and it would chop it up. As threw log after log into the chipper I kept painting the emergency scene over and over in my head. I thought about which arm it would be? My right arm most likely. The phone calls that would follow, " did you hear Cote lopped off arm in wood a chipper", "so much for The Sweet Ones!"
Then I'd sit on some board of Limbless Americans Association, and I'd have my picture taken with the drummer of Def Leopard... I'd probably also get real jealous when people did 'the wave' at sporting events! But the good news is none of this happened and we cleared the back yard in record time and it looked pretty good at the end of the day!
+Its been really nice the past couple of days with sun drenched beach zombies starting to fill up the Bike paths, so YES Summer is hear on the Island. I woke up this morning and did my sunday morning swim in the ocean. It was brilliant and it really does nock a hang over right out of ya!!!
so that's it for now I'm gonna go skate!! enjoy
Episode #4