Saturday, July 31, 2010

4 year Degree in Nothing!

Hey Hey,
So this whole boycott thing seems to have drifted past- and my followers don't really care about much anymore. We are near the downward spiral that is the last summer month. With that being said, I've been working like a mad man landscaping during the day and bartending parties at night. Last week I worked 3 1 4 hour days!! The party I was at last night was attended by that of Natalie Portman. I wanted to assault her with Star Wars referrances in character as the Star Wars Nazi! Alas, it's now saturday and I have the day off. Things have changed around here I must say, as I have now found a special girly who fully supports Shaack Life!!!
Enjoy this little Vid I thru together- Just to give ya'll a taste of the fun one can have working out on Nantucket!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Fun day

Hello Hello-
Well things have taken a turn for the better and worse- The Heat broke, and I've been working like a dog-
I had the pleasure of bar tending a party for what seemed like ever collegiate lacrosse and Hockey player on the North East!........ Now yes, I was a Lacrosse player( gettysburg college) and I don't mean to spit on myself here, but I'm pretty sure I never said to a bar tender, "Bro, thro me some Hella love and make it double!" And the girls..... Christ sakes alive..... What's A "VOCKASUDA???"""
Oh and here's how I'm staying fit at the Waack shaaCK!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wow, I was just in the home of the folks that brought microsoft public- they had plates on the wall for 3k a pop from France---- the Living room looked like a show room. The house didn't feel lived in, it was too perfect. It was amazing, but somehow sad with perfectly places pictures?I wondered if it feels like to home to them? When a
house becomes a statement, can it still be a home???? that is the question???
Here is a link I found: to see picks copy and paste the link??

Nice folks though, tipped me 100 bucks........
Must be Nice-
I am super burnt from digging post holes all day in the heat!!

Over and out!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


They want "truth"???? they need to ask them selves about "truth"..... Freedom is Truth-
Fnd your own truth in a shaack........... These truths they speak of are only mirror images of the truths on EMPTY SHAACKLESS Souls!!!!1


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Its happening!!!

Support is growing!!!! the spirits are high, we will crush all those who threaten Shaack Life!!
Spead the seeds of freedom.
I am a grown man living in a shaack. I am proud.

WAACK Shaaack life!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

A message to shaack haters!!!!

"boy" is the first word in "Boycott"..... Don't be a BOY, ... be a MAN, support Whaack Shaack Life!!!

SHAACK's Unite!

Are you a grown man living in a shaack?
Do you shower Out side?
Is there a sink with running water attached to a garden Hose?
You know who you are. fellow shackers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont' be afraid, Dont' beleive the hype.! Fellow Shaack dwellers, it appears there are haters out there that dont' undstand our lifestyle and policies. The Nay sayers want to see our shacks burn to the ground. so it is time. Fight Fight Fight... for our shack shack Life!!!!

This message has been , brougt to you in part by
Doug A Cote ( a grown man living in freedom, in a shack, with his dog)



Thursday, July 15, 2010


A quick note-
Now that I've been working and bar tending out here for some private parties in peoples homes, I think its funny that all these people with summer homes feel it necessary to have signs in their houses with NANTUCKET on it????
It seems to be only he the summer vacationers? None of the locals I've have met have little quaint wooden sings that say NANTUCKET? Where does this need come from for folks to have a sign with NANTUCKET on it??? Do they not no where they are??
"honey, where are we again?, .... oh wait...i'm in my 2.5 million dollar home in NAAAANTUCKET!!! This Suedo vintage sign says Nantucket so I must be there"
If these people want an authentic Nantucket sign....,something that says "hey, I liver here!" or at least I can afford a house here, something better than a beach tag on their bumper, they should frame their reciets from Stop and Shop or a reciet from a a coffee and a bagel!! Now that would be some major "WHALE CRED"
I digress,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bonus Weekend on the ACK!

dear 7 followers....
Doooooode............ wicke'd good timez!!!!
This weeked was one of the best weeekends so far out here on the ACK( that's island lingo for Nantucket)- This weekend made me realize why I gave up a bathroom, a kitchen, windows with screens, air-conditioning, a shower, hot water, and a stove. Brother in Arms, Spookie Daly Pride was out here playing his usual 3 nights at the BOX. Being the kind big brother that he is, he invited me up for a few tunes with the band. It was killer and the Box was getting off in a big way! Spook kills it every time!!
But the real treat was when he popped in at the Waack for a visit-- See the below video

I also got some surfing in this weekend with my new Brazillian Buddy Emmerson and his wife karen- ( one of the coolest couples on the island) they are both killer surfers! I on the other hand sucked, and I'll leave it at. The waves were 7-8 ft so it was a little rough for me. All in all made for a amazing weekend. Totally dig'in Shaack Life now.

" I know that dude"
Jeff Spicoli

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hot as Shack

I'm sure your all wondering "how's Doug been surviving this heat? Is he Ok?" well... he's DEAD! He died from heat stroke and this is actually his ghost writing this..... Doug's Ghost Blog. Man that guy has a big nose, and bad tattoos, Even I'm embarrased and I'm his ghost!!!.... And that "little band of his" his should give up already... No one wants to see a gray haired man play music unless its willie nelson!! but I'M just doug's ghost....

Yes it's been a bit warm, I was mulching a garden for some lovely wealthy folks on monday in direct sun light which made about 100 degrees. As I looked in on the couple watching Fox news in their AC heaven, I politley gave them the Nantucket wave ( raise your pinky) and left the job!!!!
Here's my play list this week-
NRBQ- Me and the Boys
Drakkar Sauna- Icing Down her top
Palomar- The Planieac
Town Vans Zandt- Velvet Voices
The who- we're not gonna take it
Slayer- Spill the blood
Jeffery Lewis- Good Ol pig
Nirvanna- Son of gun
Agent Orange. Pipeline
Oh here's a video too

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Heavy Rebel Weekend

I"ve have fled the shaack life and and i'm in Winston-Salem NC at the Heavy Rebel Weekend with Guitar Bomb. It's 4th of July weekend and I miss the shaack. This place is a scene for sure, its like a Star Wars convention for punkers and bikers, there's a wet t shirt contest, and a mud wrestling contest- The Sweet Ones got a tough slot we are right before the Wet t shirt contest, so who knows what the crowds will be like? Guitar Bomb goes on right after us.